All around the world people believe that the arrangement of celestial bodies influences their life and determines the character, and that knowledge about planets and stars helps predict the future. Asian and European cultures differ in many aspects, such as religion and customs. This is also the case when it comes to the calendar and to zodiac signs. If you are curious about a Japanese horoscope, you must read this article.
For the Japanese, the traditional rice beverage means the same that wine does for French cuisine. Sake can add taste to prepared dishes, emphasise it while eating, balance intensive aromas or purify taste buds before next bite. Escaping the Western classifications, “the Samurai’s beverage” is another proof of the uniqueness of the Japanese culture.
Just one encounter with Japanese culture, so different from that of Europe, is enough to invoke our interest and curiosity. Japan has many customs and traditions that stimulate our imagination. Giving names can be a good example as it is a process much more complex and complicated than for instance in Poland. Japanese parents do not leave this to chance because names express the desired quality of character or appearance of their child.